Camrose is a city in central Alberta, Canada, amid some of the richest farmland in the prairies. It is a relatively small city which grew up along a railway and now grows along Highway 13.


Tatonga conducted a comprehensive review and gap analysis of the safety management system (SMS), identified and rectified duplication, gaps and terminology/program inconsistencies. Tatonga helped to consolidate the SMS program to be used City-wide and managed in an electronic platform.

The City of Camrose now has a comprehensive SMS that works for all departments and an electronic system that ensures critical tasks are conducted and documented as required.

  • Conduct a review and gap analysis on existing documents – identifying duplication, identifying gaps to required legislation and AMSHA COR Requirements.
  • Recommend an SMS structure to consolidate existing program elements.
  • Create Administrative policy, procedure and supporting documents and forms.
  • Create a robust contactor management component
  • Move the City from hard copy SMS to fluid online SMS. (DATS.)

Risk Management


City of Camrose

What We Did
  • Administrative Policies and supporting procedures. (40 documents)
  • Contractor Management Process
  • Consolidation of department forms and supporting documents
  • Consolidation of formal hazard assessments, safe work practices (SWP) and standard operating procedures (SOP)
  • Move safety management system online to DATS – training, inspection schedules, reviews, investigations, Committee and Safety Meetings, Work and Task Observation

Benchmark Audit

We worked to identify gaps in their current system, along with the right solutions.


Easy Digital Interface

A new digital safety management system was implemented to improve efficiency.


Achieve COR

We helped ensure all COR requirements were met with AMHSA.


Employee Training

Our team ensured that all of the new assets were understood and integrated in the organization.

Tatonga provided safety management system expertise and direction as we aligned our programs across all departments and set up our online platform. Tatonga was great to encourage our staff to embrace health and safety in their daily activities and facilitated adoption of the new online platform.

Kim IsaakDeputy City Manager, City of Camrose
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